Center for Communication Research

CCR Logo

The Center for Communication Research (CCR) facilitates collaborative, interdisciplinary social research within the University of Arkansas, Northwest Arkansas region, and broader intellectual community. Toward this end, the CCR seeks to stimulate and support interdisciplinary collaborations; provide opportunities for undergraduate and graduate participation; engage regional, state, and national funding agencies; and acquire and maintain the equipment necessary to support research endeavors. The CCR manages a research lab space that includes state-of-the-art technology for studying all facets of communication.

The associated research lab space is located in Kimpel #405 and #405A (1,347 square feet). The following hardware and software are available:

  • Perception analyzer equipment from DialSmith to gauge moment-to-moment audience responses to both prerecorded and live media content
  • SnapStream video server to simultaneously record multiple channels of television programming
  • Tobii Pro Spectrum eye tracker to measure both point of gaze and eye movement (1200 Hz)
  • Tobii Pro Nano portable eye trackers to measure both point of gaze and eye movement outside of the lab (60Hz)
  • BioPac products to collect heart rate, blood pressure, and electrodermal activity
  • Portable audio and video recording equipment
  • Dell laptop computers and desktop computers
  • Mangold Interact software to transcribe, annotate, interpret, and code texts
  • SONA Systems cloud-based participant management software

The following research projects were recently funded by the CCR.

  • Becky Leach: Examining the Materiality of Compassion at Work
  • T. Jake Dionne: The American Museum of Natural History: Hall of Biodiversity
  • Meredith Neville-Shepard: The post-mortem enthymeme: Self-immolation and the construction of Mohamed Bouazizi
  • Ryan Neville-Shepard: Third Party Candidates, Presidential Debates, and the History of Agitation and Containment
  • Abe Khan: Accidentally Telling the Truth: Black Athletes, the NCAA, and the Rhetoric of Slavery in College Sports
  • Fred Jennings: Virtual Reality and Political Opinions
  • Ringo Jones: Documenting the Clinton’s time in Fayetteville
  • For more information, contact the Director of the CCR.

The CCR fully supports the Department of Communication faculty's and affiliate members' research agendas.


CCR Director

CCR Director
Department of Communication




  • Lindsey Aloia
  • Trish Amason
  • Robert Brady
  • Scotti Branton
  • Margaret Butcher
  • Lisa Corrigan
  • Terrell Jake Dionne
  • Joe Hatfield
  • Fred Jennings
  • Richard Jones
  • Abraham Khan
  • Rebecca Leach
  • Joomi Lee
  • Angela Mensah
  • Meredith Neville-Shepard
  • Ryan Neville-Shepard
  • Frank Scheide
  • Stephanie Schulte
  • Matthew Spialek
  • Kasey Walker
  • Ron Warren
  • Robert Wicks
  • Stephen Dittmore
  • Brian Primack
  • Robert Richards
  • Marty Matlock
  • Dennis Beck
  • Jamie Baum
  • Paige Daniel Dobbs
  • Matthew Ganio
  • Michelle Gray
  • Bart Hammig
  • Philip Massey
  • Abigail Carpenter Schmitt
  • Barcu Bayram
  • Patrick Conge
  • Andrew Dowdle
  • Valerie Hunt
  • Angie Maxwell
  • Bill Schreckhise
  • Patrick Stewart
  • Doug Behrend
  • Ana Bridges
  • Connie Lamm
  • Anastasia Makhanova
  • Lauren Quetsch
  • Jennifer Veilleux
  • Darya Zabelina
  • Lisa Bowers
  • Christine Holyfield
  • Justin Barnum
  • Kevin Fitzpatrick
  • Casey Harris
  • Shauna Morimoto
  • Shaun Thomas
  • Anna Zajicek
  • Linda Jones
  • Stefani Byrd
  • Adam Hogan
  • Brandon Bouchillon
  • Ignatius Fosu
  • Rob Wells
  • Jan Wicks
  • Cary Franklin
  • Johanna Thomas
  • Valandra