Wondering why you should seek out an internship position?
Build Your Resumé
Be the most well-rounded job applicant you can be. Employers put a premium on experience from outside the classroom!
Explore Career Options
Gain insight into a job market that interests you before committing to a long term career path. It might lead you to careers you hadn't considered!
Diversify Your Experience
Take a break from the classroom! Network with professionals in your field while gaining hands on work experience.
Earn course credit for your internship!
The Department of Communication offers qualifying students an opportunity to earn COMM course credit for completing an internship. This program recognizes the benefits that internship experiences provide and encourages students to take advantage of internship opportunities. This program allows students to participate in an internship who otherwise may not have been able to take time out of their schedule to seize this type of opportunity. To earn credit for participating in an internship, students must follow the steps below:
Laurie Brady, Internship Director, is the main point of contact for all things related to COMM internships. Please review the steps listed below, then reach out with questions or to get approval of your internship opportunity.
Internship Process: Step by Step
Your Responsibilities:
- Meet all requirements of eligibility to get course credit for an internship.
- Apply to and accept an internship position.
- Contact the Internship Director to get approval of your internship.
- Have a member of your selected organization serve as your supervisor.
- Complete the internship contract form.
- Complete Internship Log and other required assignments in COMM 4913.
Other Things to Consider :
- Upon completion of the internship, supervisors must return the internship evaluation survey to the Internship Director.
- Any out-of-state internships will need to gain special approval from the Internship Director.
- The position must be directly related to the field of communication.
- Clerical work may not constitute more than 15% of the job and must be relevant to your other responsibilities.
Wondering where to start?
Our Internship Director works diligently to connect students with opportunities, both on and off campus. The COMM department holds multiple informational sessions each year to host students interested in internships, answer any questions they may have, and connect them with professionals. Stay up to date with information session being offered by following us on social media.
Students have access to the Offices of Career Connections where they can receive individualized career help, resume reviews, and more. The Offices of Career Connections is a great place to get help with all things career related. They have a variety of resources and staff to help find internships and get professionally prepared for success after graduation. If you want one-on-one, individualized help, the Career Studio is a great resource available to you.
Stay up to date on Career Fair & Events happening around campus to meet potential employers, face to face!
Check out Handshake to search job listings from companies actively recruiting from the Univeristy of Arkansas. See our Handshake feeds below for an up-to-date look at internships related to your career interests.
Frequently Asked Questions
Students receive guidance in professional development and skills training. Employers receive intelligent, highly motivated, goal-oriented students eager to learn and skilled in time management.
An internship usually lasts one semester. You should spend at least 160 working hours in the organization. This averages out to 10 hours a week. Some internships do not follow this routine. Reach out to the Internship Director to see if your internship qualifys for credit.
Intern after you have completed 18 hours of communication coursework and have at least a 2.5 GPA. Students can take COMM 4913 in Fall, Spring, and Summer. You must take COMM 4913 at the time you hold your internship position. Previous positions cannot be applied to the COMM 4913 course.
Skill areas include (but are not limited to): public relations, sales & marketing, leadership, Internet, photojournalism, media production, teamwork, word processing, motivation, public speaking, customer service, persuasion, interpersonal communication, cross-cultural communication, conflict management, small group dynamics, graphic arts, promotional campaigns, surveys, brochures, information search.
After your internship contract has been approved by the Internship Director, COMM 4913 will be added to your schedule by the deadline for add/drop for the semester in which you've been enrolled. You do not have to do anything to add the internship to your schedule since enrollment in COMM 4913 is by permission of the Internship Director.
By the end of the first week of the semester, COMM 4913 should appear in both UA Connect and Blackboard. If it does not appear in UA Connect or Blackboard and your internship has been approved, contact the Internship Coordinator ASAP.
- The position must be directly related to the field of communication.
- Clerical work may not constitute more than 15% of the job and must be relevant to your other responsibilities.
- You must work a minimum of 160 hours over the semester.
- An on-site supervisor must be willing and able to mentor you and evaluate your professional communication skills and abilities.
- INTERNSHIP LOG: In order to earn academic credit for your internship, you must keep a log of your
internship activities. The log consists of three parts: a summary of jobs done, a
discussion of your host organization's communication, and the raw data record. Each component of the log must be typed and digitally submitted to Blackboard.
- JOB DESCRIPTION SUMMARY: This consists of a summary (3-6 pages typically) of your job activities. Each aspect of your job must be covered in a separate section. For example, an intern at a television
station would write a summary with five sections that looks something like this (in
outline form):
1. Introduction
2. Editing
3. Taping
4. Camera
5. Other Duties.
Certainly the sections depend on the job. The important thing is to give each duty an individual heading. Show not only what you did, but also how it works and relates to other aspects of the job. Be concise. - INTERNAL COMMUNICATION SUMMARY: This is a discussion of the communication at the place you interned. Discuss the way conflicts are caused and handled, the way information is processed through the organization, what type of feedback, if any, is present, and other things you have learned in your communication courses. Illustrate your job experiences using ideas, concepts, theories, and solutions from your communication classes.
- RAW DATA & WEEKLY OBSERVATIONS: Your observations can be broken down either on a day-to-day or weekly basis in paragraph form. This log will be valuable to future employers as you revise your resume.
You will receive credit or no credit. Internships are not given a letter grade.
For Employers
Communication students offer a unique set of skills that can benefit your team! Our stuendts are interested in a wide variety of career paths. Consider listing your open position on Handshake, or sharing it with our Internship Director.
Companies and organizations interested in hiring Fulbright College students for internships and jobs can also contact Sarah Denison, Director of Career Initiatives.
Visit the Offices of Career Connections website for more resources for employers.
Also, check out the UA career platform, Handshake. All current UA students and recent graduates have a profile on Handshake.